OkGo ProGuard rules

OkGo – is a library that based on the Http protocol, encapsulated OkHttp network request framework, easier to use than Retrofit, support RxJava, RxJava2, support for custom cache, support batch breakpoint download management and bulk upload management.

ProGuard configuration rules for OkGo

ProGuard optimizes the your code and and removes unused classes, fields and methods. ProGuard also optimizes the code, removes unused code instructions, and obfuscates the remaining classes, fields, and methods with short names. You have to set up a ProGuard configuration in your proguard-rules.pro file.

##################################### OkGo #####################################
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-keep class okhttp3.**{*;}

-dontwarn okio.**
-keep class okio.**{*;}

-dontwarn com.lzy.okgo.**
-keep class com.lzy.okgo.**{*;}

-dontwarn com.lzy.okrx.**
-keep class com.lzy.okrx.**{*;}

-dontwarn com.lzy.okrx2.**
-keep class com.lzy.okrx2.**{*;}

-dontwarn com.lzy.okserver.**
-keep class com.lzy.okserver.**{*;}

For more information about OkGo please see the website.

Related ProGuard rules

Static Gson ProGuard rules

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