RoboSpice ProGuard rules

RoboSpice - modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy.

It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules.

ProGuard rules for RoboSpice

ProGuard removes classes, fields and and attributes in the shrinking step. When obfuscating, ProGuard writes out class files named 'a.class', 'b.class', etc. You have to specify the following rules in your ProGuard file.

# For RoboSpice
#Results classes that only extend a generic should be preserved as they will be pruned by Proguard 
#as they are "empty", others are kept
-keep class .**

#RoboSpice requests should be preserved in most cases
-keepclassmembers class .** {
  public void set*(***);
  public *** get*();
  public *** is*();

#Warnings to be removed. Otherwise maven plugin stops, but not dangerous
-dontwarn com.sun.xml.internal.**
-dontwarn com.sun.istack.internal.**
-dontwarn org.codehaus.jackson.**
-dontwarn org.springframework.**
-dontwarn java.awt.**
-dontwarn java.beans.**
-dontwarn javax.xml.**
-dontwarn java.util.**
-dontwarn org.w3c.dom.**

For more information about RoboSpice please see the website.

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