RxPaparazzo ProGuard rules

RxPaparazzo – is a RxJava extension for Android to take photos using the camera, select files or photos from the device and optionally crop or rotate any selected images.

ProGuard rules for RxPaparazzo

ProGuard obfuscates the remaining classes, fields, and methods with short names. ProGuard removes classes, methods in the shrinking step. Specify the following ProGuard rules to fix errors and force ProGuard to keep certain code.

# RxPaparazzo
-dontwarn rx.internal.util.**

-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.*ArrayQueue*Field* {
    long producerIndex;
    long consumerIndex;
-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.BaseLinkedQueueProducerNodeRef {
    long producerNode;
    long consumerNode;

For more information about RxPaparazzo please see the website.

Related ProGuard rules

Static Gson ProGuard rules

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