AndroidFormEnhancer ProGuard rules

AndroidFormEnhancer – is a library for implementing input forms easily in the Android application.

You can use annotations to describe the definitions of the input form briefly, reduce codes that handle data of the screens in the Activities and Fragments.

ProGuard rules for AndroidFormEnhancer

Classes that aren't called at all will be removed by ProGuard optimization step. In the obfuscation step, ProGuard renames classes and class members that are not entry points.. You have to specify the next rules in your ProGuard file.

############################# AndroidFormEnhancer ##############################
-keep class com.androidformenhancer.validator.* { <init>(...); }

Keep public fields of the Forms and Entities. If you use FormHelper#create() or @When, this is required.

############################# AndroidFormEnhancer ##############################
-keep class com.androidformenhancer.validator.* { <init>(...); }
-keepclassmembers class com.androidformenhancer.sample.demos.DefaultForm {
   public *;
 -keepclassmembers class com.androidformenhancer.sample.demos.DefaultEntity {
   public *;

For more information about AndroidFormEnhancer please see the website.

Static Gson ProGuard rules

Popular ProGuard rules