Android DBTools ProGuard rules

Android DBTools – is an Android ORM library that makes it easy to work with SQLite databases.

ProGuard rules for Android DBTools

ProGuard detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods and and attributes. By default, short names like 'a', 'b', etc. are used as obfuscated names. Specify the following ProGuard-style specification for your configuration file.

############################### Android DBTools ################################
-dontwarn org.dbtools.query.**
-dontwarn org.sqlite.**
-dontwarn net.sqlcipher.**
-dontwarn com.squareup.otto.**

# SQLCipher (if using SQLCipher)
-keep public class net.sqlcipher.** { *; }
-keep public class net.sqlcipher.database.** { *; }

# (if using sqlite from
-keep public class org.sqlite.** { *; }
-keep public class org.sqlite.database.** { *; }

# Threetenbp
-dontwarn org.threeten.**

For more information about Android DBTools please see the website.

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