Toothpick ProGuard rules

Toothpick – is a scope tree based Dependency Injection library for Java and Android.

It is a full-featured, runtime based, but reflection free, implementation of JSR 330.

ProGuard rules for Toothpick

By default ProGuard obfuscates class names and may shrink classes, which are not used. Remaining classes, fields, and methods after obfuscation phase will be with short names.

You don’t need to add any specific rules to your ProGuard configuration.

# Toothpick
# You should not obfuscate classes using @Inject and related annotations.
# Annotation processing in TP generates code using the names of classes 
# containing JSR-330 annotations and obfuscation would mess up this process.

For more information about Toothpick please see the website.

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