Open In-App Billing – is an open source library which provides an easy way for the developers to develop their apps/games in a way that one APK will work in all the stores and automatically use the right in-app purchase API under each store.
Open In-App Billing for Google Play, SlideMe, Amazon Store, Nokia Store, Samsung Apps, Yandex.Store, Appland, Aptoide, AppMall and Fortumo.
ProGuard rules for Open In-App Billing
Add the following lines to your ProGuard configuration proguard.cfg file in project.
# Open In-App Billing # GOOGLE -keep class** # AMAZON -dontwarn** -keep class** {*;} -keepattributes *Annotation* -dontoptimize # SAMSUNG -keep class** # NOKIA -keep class** #FORTUMO -keep class mp.** { *; }
For more information about library please see Open In-App Billing website.