Dart ProGuard rules

Dart – is a extra "injection" library for Android which uses annotation processing to generate code that does direct field assignment of your extras.

You can inject from an Activity (which uses its intent extras), Fragment (which uses its arguments) or directly from a Bundle.

ProGuard rules for Dart

By default ProGuard removes calls to unused classes and methods. When obfuscating, ProGuard writes out class files named 'a.class', 'b.class', etc. You have to specify the next rules in your ProGuard proguard-rules.pro file.

# Dart
-dontwarn com.f2prateek.dart.internal.**
-keep class **$$ExtraInjector { *; }
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    @com.f2prateek.dart.* ;
#for dart 2.0 only
-keep class **Henson { *; }
-keep class **$$IntentBuilder { *; }

Also see Parceler ProGuard rules.

For more information about Dart please see the website.

Static Gson ProGuard rules

Popular ProGuard rules