Android Saripaar ProGuard rules

Android Saripaar – is a simple, feature-rich and powerful rule-based UI form validation library for Android.

It is the SIMPLEST UI validation library available for Android.

ProGuard rules for Saripaar

All unused classes and methods removed in the shrinking step. After ProGuard shrinks and obfuscates code, short names like 'a', 'b', etc. are used as obfuscated names. Use the following rules in your file to fix errors.

# Saripaar
-keep class com.mobsandgeeks.saripaar.** {*;}
-keep @com.mobsandgeeks.saripaar.annotation.ValidateUsing class * {*;}

For more information about Android Saripaar please see the website.

Static Gson ProGuard rules

Popular ProGuard rules