Android OAuth Client – is a library that helps to easily add an OAuth flow to an existing Android application.
It automatically shows a customizable Android dialog with WebView to guide the user to eventually grant you an access token.
ProGuard rules for Android OAuth Client
Add the following lines to your ProGuard configuration proguard.cfg file in project.
# Android OAuth Client # Needed to keep generic types and @Key annotations accessed via reflection -keepattributes Signature,RuntimeVisibleAnnotations,AnnotationDefault -keepclasseswithmembers class * {; } -keepclasseswithmembers class * { ; } -keepnames class # Needed by google-http-client-android when linking against an older platform version -dontwarn** # Needed by google-api-client-android when linking against an older platform version -dontwarn** # Do not obfuscate but allow shrinking of android-oauth-client -keepnames class** { *; }
For more information about Android OAuth Client please see the website.